Who can claim in South Australia qualifications eligible
This is a simplified list of people who can claim in South Australia, with the name of the legislation (the Act) .
If you have any questions contact us here at CWPL.
Who can apply for provision from deceased’s estate in South Australia
Inheritance (Family Provision) Act 1972
6—Persons entitled to claim under this Act
The following persons are, in respect of the estate of a deceased person, entitled to claim the benefit of this Act:
(a) the spouse of the deceased person;
(b) a person who has been divorced from the deceased person;
(ba) the domestic partner of the deceased person;
(c) a child of the deceased person;
(g) a child of a spouse or domestic partner of the deceased person being a child who was maintained wholly or partly or who was legally entitled to be maintained wholly or partly by the deceased person immediately before his death;
(h) a child of the child of the deceased person;
(i) a parent of the deceased person who satisfies the court that he cared for, or contributed to the maintenance of, the deceased person during his lifetime;
(j) a brother or sister of the deceased person who satisfies the court that he cared for, or contributed to the maintenance of, the deceased person during his lifetime.
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